Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So I guess I've taken some time off from this. Got rather busy I suppose. Here's a quick recap:

Wednesday: CRAFT day. Very fun. More on this later, I hope. Learnt a lot, met up with some people I knew from a while back.

Thursday: Inside day. Cleaned up the shed. Finished the harvest cart, again.

Friday: More clean up and random jobs for the first half of the day 'cause the ground is still wet. Then... crazy go nuts in the afternoon as the ground dries up and we all stay until 9pm to get all of the planting done that day because of the promise of rain the next day.

Saturday: no school rainy saturday. i.e. no work today.

Monday: planted celery, moved floating row cover around. Did lots of things in the shed... can't quite remember in my delirious state of tiredness at the moment. Oh wait, we seeded lots. All the fall brassicae actually. Plus fennel. Plus other stuff in the shed...

Today: Spent the morning debugging a problem with the webpage. Also worked with leslie to plan out some of the seed saving garden. Hacked down every variety of last years kale save one which we'll use for seed later on. Planted beets for seed saving. Made steamed nettle for lunch. Put seed potatoes in bins to get them ready for seeding soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so, tell me more about craft day!