Alrighty, here's what we've been up to over the past few days:
- Jarrod and I finished up the guts of the coolroom. We hung the door, and put up the last bits of the wall. Here's a grungy picture from a few days back:
- Leslie and I seeded a bunch of corn, some to save seed from and others for the CSA. We used a neighbour's corn planter tractor implement. Actually all I did was walk behind the tractor to make sure everything was working well whilst Leslie did the hard part of keeping the tractor in line. Okay, actually, this corn planter contraption makes the whole process a piece of cake.
- We all did a a lot of hoeing. Most of Wednesday, and Thursday I believe. We weeded most of everything that we had planted up until now. This is pretty hard work, mostly because it involved standing in the sun during those hot days. Oddly (or not so oddly) I'm getting pretty familiar with being uncomfortably warm. It's a rather peculiar mix of feeling sweaty and gross and a bit worn out, but also willing to keep going because it's fun and you know you're making progress. It's a bit like the volume has been turned down on the complaints line from my body. I can hear an upset voice on the other end, but I can't quite make out the details of the complaint. And that makes it easier to just hang up.
- We planted a few beds of stuff. I can't remember exactly what. I know fennel was in there somewhere. Poor, unfortunate fennel. Fennel is the pasty white wimp of the group. It's so darn fragile. Anyhow, here'r some photos of us planting (from a few weeks past):
- Amanda and I spent Friday afternoon retying all the knots for the tomatoes in the greenhouse ('cause we had the wrong knot).
- We put out irrigation lines for the all the Alliums (onions, bunching onions, leeks) and the garlic.

l to r: Me, Tarrah, Jarrod, Amanda, Ali
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