- Put out the rest of the onions and leeks to harden off.
- Transplanted plenty of tomatoes, seeded lettuce(we'll do this every two weeks), and sweet basil.
- Lunch. We had a meeting where we discussed lunch and dishwashing schedules, and other administrative stuff.
- Amanda (who just started today) and I put up lines for hanging the plastic liners we'll use in the boxes holding salad mix.
- Amanda, Ali, and I picked rocks for the rest of the afternoon. A good three or four hours.
I'm right-handed, and today I noticed very plainly how much I favour my right side. The actions in picking rocks go something like this: walk in a direction until you notice a rock big enough to pick, bend over (either by bending at your waist... gah... or crouching slightly) and grasp the rock with one hand, and then stand up and carry on to the next rock. At this point I typically shift the rock in my right hand to the nook of my left elbow so that I have a hand free again. Picking rocks like this continues until your arms are full, it's too heavy, or you're close to a pile, so that then you head to the nearest pile and drop everything off.
The thing is that when you pick up rocks with your right hand it takes a bit of a twist at the waist and lower back as you reach down to grab it. Especially to hold on to the several rocks you're cradling in your other arm. Repeating this action for a while meant that my left shoulder got cramped up into your my neck in order to hold the weight of the rocks (I know, I know, there's no need for that, but it's a strong habit); my right arm got a bit tired at the shoulder; as was my lower back from bending and twisting; and my knees were getting a bit achy from bending and lifting.
Switching sides so that I work the left side of my body seems like an essential thing.. something I didn't do enough of today and so something I'll likely feel tomorrow. The thing is that because I must typically favour my right-side I'm so much stronger there, and so working with my left side is rather awkward and I get tired much more quickly. In other words, there's a strong physical incentive to keep favouring my right side.
Jon, you might be the only person I've ever met who not only makes the seemingly mundane task of picking rocks not only interesting for yourself, but interesting for others as well.
I'm enjoying your farmventures so far - keep on blogging.
Thanks for your encouragement Andrew! It's great to hear that I'm "rockin'" someone else's world! Okay okay, I guess you didn't say that, but I'm glad you're enjoying it.
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